Think Before You Click!

       Cyberbullying. Hacking. Fakenews. These were just the common issues that we face regarding to the use of the inter

net and social media platforms. It may sound cliche to tell you to "think before you click" but the sad reality is that this simple reminder is being disregarded by a lot of users that makes them to destroy others lives as well as theirs.

      With that I'm here to remind you about it again hoping to be able to take it into actions.

       Take your time to think before you click on anything. 

Always remember that before you post, share or comment anything make sure that you can:


H-elp 💁



K-indle social unity🔥🤝

    Before you click always ask these questions:

Is it safe?

Is it necessary?

Will I be able to hurt/offend someone?

Am I disrespecting myself?

      These are just simple reminders but if these are taken into actions we can create a better community for us and for the future generations. So don't forget to THINK before you CLICK! 




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